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- 2021 Women's Advocacy Awards Phone Bank
- Vanessa Wattron

Every year, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas (LANWT) hosts the Women’s Advocacy Awards. This event highlights and recognizes honorees who have demonstrated extraordinary work benefiting women and children through their sustained service and leadership.
This year, at the time decisions needed to be made, circumstances dictated that we not hold our annual in-person event to protect the health and well-being of our staff and supporters. Now more than ever, organizations like LANWT need the support of donors to continue to serve the needs of those in our communities.
For the last 70 years, Legal Aid has provided free civil legal aid to more than 1 million low-income women and families seeking safety, security, and lives free from domestic violence and abuse.
Our organization would like to conduct a two-day phone bank to raise more awareness and financial support for such a worthwhile cause. We seek to recruit at least 32 (or 16 per day) people who are available to make calls to a list of our current, past, or potential donors. The two-hour phone bank will be conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 13 and 14, 2021, from 3 PM – 5 PM at LANWT's downtown Dallas branch offices. Parking is available for $8.00 at the Jack Boles parking garage located a block over from the office at
1600 Commerce Street, in downtown Dallas (across the street from Neiman Marcus department store)
Drinks and snacks will be provided for the volunteers by LANWT. Please consider volunteering to support low-income women's civil legal needs by clicking the "Volunteer" button to sign up to assist with operating the phone bank. Thank you in advance for your support.
1600 Commerce Street, in downtown Dallas (across the street from Neiman Marcus department store)
Drinks and snacks will be provided for the volunteers by LANWT. Please consider volunteering to support low-income women's civil legal needs by clicking the "Volunteer" button to sign up to assist with operating the phone bank. Thank you in advance for your support.
If you have any questions, please contact Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas' Director of Development - Sam Prince, at princes@lanwt.org or (817)339-5334.
With your help, we can do more!
hours pledged26
Location / Venue
- Add to Calendar
- Address:
- Legal Aid Of Northwest Texas
- 1515 Main Street
- Dallas, TX 75201
- Time:
Jul 13, 2021 3:00pm
Jul 14, 2021 5:00pm

In Support of Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas works to advance and protect the rights of millions of low-income people in North and West Texas by providing free civil legal assistance through representation and advocacy, which helps to ensure equal access to justice. If you are interested in being contacted regarding volunteer opportunities, please complete the form at this link: https://give.legalaidtx.org/web_forms/802-volunteer-sign-up