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- 2021 Builders of Justice Phone-A-Thon Campaign
- Vanessa Wattron

This year, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas (Legal Aid) will not be hosting our in-person Builders of Justice Progressive Dinner as we continue to maintain protections that safeguard the health and well-being of our staff and supporters. Held annually since 2013, this popular “Walk Around McKinney Square” dinner event recognizes deserving honorees who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership and service benefiting low-income families in Collin County and raises funds to help those in need. Over the last two years, Legal Aid helped more than 7,100 clients in Collin County.
Since the pandemic began, calls to Legal Aid have increased from Texans facing job displacement, food insecurity, or housing instability, as well as requests for help involving domestic violence. These are but a few of the civil legal issues we assist with, which range from foreclosure prevention and wrongful eviction, to driver license restoration, consumer matters, and end-of-life document preparation, and family law matters including family violence and child custody.
What we are doing to help our volunteers:
* Establish and conduct a remote phone bank throughout October to raise financial
* Recruit, train, and support the volunteers with making calls or sending emails
* Provide call lists, sponsorship packets, and phone and email scripts
What ask of our volunteers:
* Recruit, train, and support the volunteers with making calls or sending emails
* Provide call lists, sponsorship packets, and phone and email scripts
What ask of our volunteers:
* Sign up to contact at least 25 potential supporters by phone and/or email
* Be willing to use your phone to make the calls from your preferred location
* Complete your call assignment by 5 p.m., on Friday, November 5
If you would like to volunteer your time to help, please click the "Volunteer" button. An email with additional instructions will be sent to you once we receive your online registration. If you aren't able to give us the gift of your time, would you consider becoming an event sponsor or making a donation? If so, you can use the "Sponsor" or "Donate" button to access information on giving.
Thank you in advance for your kind consideration. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact Sam Prince, Director of Development at 817-339-5334 or princes@lanwt.org
hours pledged3

In Support of Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas works to advance and protect the rights of millions of low-income people in North and West Texas by providing free civil legal assistance through representation and advocacy, which helps to ensure equal access to justice. If you are interested in being contacted regarding volunteer opportunities, please complete the form at this link: https://give.legalaidtx.org/web_forms/802-volunteer-sign-up